Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Survival Mode

So normally on Wednesday Papa Bear works a long day, today just happened to be a suuuuper loooong day! He's gone until long after bedtime, thus, I am now in survival mode! The boys have been climbing the walls all summer! We've had more rain this summer than I can remember in my 26 years of summers! Its crazy! And lets face it, when its pouring, you can't do too much! So today we headed out for some much needed sun, fresh air and imagination!

I wont lie, I am a fan of controlled chaos! We opted to head out to make some "art"!
Exhibit A:

Notice our very fashionable smocks that we made from old pillow cases!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

God Hath Not Promised...

God hath not promised, skies always blue

Flower strewn pathways, all our lives through

God hath not promised, sun without rain

Joy without sorrow, peace without pain

God hath not promised, we shall not know

Toil and temptation, trouble and woe

God hath not told us, we shall not bear

Many a burden, many a care

God hath not promised, smooth roads and wide

Swift easy travel, needing no guide

Never a mountain, rocky and steep

Never a river, turbid and deep

But God hath promised, strength for the day

Rest for the labor, light for the way

Grace for the trials, help from above

Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

I love love love this poem! Its such a perfect reminder to me that no matter what trials and tribulations that come my way, that God will give me perfect peace, grace that abounds and all the love I can imagine!

It's been an odd week, I feel like everyone that I speak to is going through "something". The air is thick and we know that enemy is out on the prowl. I've been doing my best to pray for those that are struggling, to be an encouragement, a blessing, and then yesterday we found out that our sweet Mimi has cancer.

Mimi is one of the most precious souls I know, she puts everyone above herself and loves my boys to absolute pieces! This news didn't come as too much of a surprise, she is 82 years young and has been blessed with great health up until yesterday. Our sweet Mimi isn't a believer and that for us (as Christians) makes the diagnosis a little harder.

Thankfully, God is in control! We have no idea what the prognosis is going to be. We know that we're here, ready to be used in whatever way we can, and we're hopeful! Thank goodness for God's kind care!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Well, semi wordless Wednesday. My brother is his fabulous wife surprised us with a visit this week, and I am so thanful to have them home! Love you guys!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

I am totally new to "not me Monday" but the good Lord knows I have plenty to share! For example, just this morning, I certainly did not allow my four year old to eat pizza for breakfast because we were out of English muffins!

On Saturday night, after being at a cookout all day, I definitely did not put both of my children to bed with dirty feet. I totally didn't forget that they were filthy in the morning and then let them go to church like that!!!

I would never ever let my little one roast marshmallows for dinner after he refused to eat a hot dog... never...

The other day, I did not turn beat red when Big Bigs pulled a pad out of my pocket book and blatantly asked me if it was a "diaper for a really little person"! And to top it off, I certainly didn't tell him yes in order to avoid that conversation!

I do have to admit, this is very therapeutic!

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Legacy

I want to leave a legacy,
How will they remember me?
Did I chose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering,
A child of mercy and grace
Who blessed Your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy.

This song always makes me think of my kids. I know for sure that I want to leave a legacy for Jesus Christ, but also for my family, so this got me thinking. Some day, not to soon I pray, my children are going to grow up. They are going to leave this home, they'll embark on a world that can be rough, they will marry the women that God sees fit, and they will one day have children of their own (OK, seriously depressing, but its true). When that time comes I want to be able to give my boys a piece of me to take with them on their new travels. Now this is certainly an epiphany that I should of had five years ago, but better late than never!

I want to create my legacy, a book, full of memories and keepsakes. I plan to begin this project in the very near future! I want to start it with a letter to each of my boys telling them how amazing God is and how unbelievably joyful and thankful I am to be there mom. I want to incorporate special events, be it as simple as a day at the aquarium, or as personal as a wedding. I want them to know, in my words, what they mean to me. The values that I am now instilling in their sweet hearts. The trials and the laughter. Now I know your thinking this sounds a lot like a scrapbook, I agree! I do scrapbook, but this is different! I wish I had something like this to reflect on my childhood! I also understand that my boys may not find this as endearing as it sounds, but someday they are going to marry a beautiful young woman who will undoubtedly appreciate this. To be able to read about all the memories and values and traits that were and still are being instilled in their husband... how awesome?

So those are my thoughts!!! I really look forward to this new endeavor, one that I have absolutely no time for, but I'm going to make time. I hope you'll join me in creating you're own legacy!

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Well, it's technically tomorrow, but you know what I mean!!! I am really looking forward to tomorrow, and even more excited to be able to teach my boys why we even celebrate Independence Day! I have to say, that as an American I am SO thankful that God saw fit to allow me to live in such a great nation, so thankful that I can go to my church and worship my God, that I am able to have the choice to not vaccinate my boys, to home school them,to raise them in a christian home, to share my faith with a complete stranger...and the list goes on. We are certainly beyond blessed here in America and not a day goes by where I am not thankful for the men and women that gave everything for me to be able to achieve anything.
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