Saturday, October 3, 2009

Get Involved...

To those that don't know, I live in New England... its freezing here, and I don't mean the weather! Living in this area is no cake walk for the christian, republican, homeschooling, America loving, small government desiring mama like myself! Thankfully I'm not alone. I know that there are other moms out there with the same beliefs, standards and desires for their families! My father gave me a link to a website to check out recently and I finally feel a little warmth up here in frigid state of Massachusetts! If you're able to, check it out... you'll be blessed!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ok God! You got my attention!

As a woman I often struggle with the difference between God's will and my own emotion! This past week has been a tough one, I thought for sure that doors would open, and that other's would close. Yesterday God got my attention in a way that I never expected and I now know that for my husband and I, it is not God's will for us to continue to worry and be anxious and try to intervene where we are not meant to. My nephew is still in the system, he will celebrate his first birthday away from his mama. This breaks my heart and somehow gives me peace. I've learned that my place is no longer on the front lines trying to live my sister in laws life, but rather on my knees. All I can do now is step back, thank God for my sweet boys, and ask the Lord to give her just enough grace for today...tomorrow has troubles all its own, but if she can do the right thing today, then she's one day closer to that baby! You got my attention Lord...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Big Changes

Its been forever since my last post, so here goes! Big things are happening in our family, we recently started our very first year of homeschooling (which I am loving and so are the boys), we found out that we ARE able to put an addition on my parents house, so we'll be moving sometime before the holidays and my sweet sister in law found out she's expecting!!! All super exciting things, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us!

There are also some things that are hanging in the balance, waiting for God's hand to work them out. I'll try to make a the short version... eleven months ago my sister in law (not the one that's expecting :) ) gave birth to the sweetest little boy ever. Unfortunately for him and our family, mom made some very unhealthy choices while little one was in utero and he was born very sick. Due to these choices he is currently in the custody of our (not so) great state. My husband and I have struggled greatly in this and his family has endured a lot of heartache. This week is one of many court dates that we've waited through. The difference this time around is we are hoping that the state will be looking to place this little one for long term, or even seek termination of moms rights. Papa Bear and I are more than ready to open our hearts and home to this little one (again {long story}) but know that it can only happen if it is Gods will. That's where it gets difficult, naturally I want to call anyone who will listen and demand that he be placed with us right now, but we've learned the hard way that choosing not to listen to God has some consequences. So right now I have peace, peace in knowing that whatever the outcome may be this week, it's in His hands, not mine. Big changes....

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Super Mom?

Isn't it so strange how everything changes when your a mom? You could be the most reserved, timid, scared of everything person in the world and once you have a child you immediately turn into super mom! For example, after having my boys, I no longer "think" when an event takes place! I immediately go into action! For example, when my 4 (almost 5 :D) year old falls and splits open his head...I don't stop and panic, I quickly apply pressure to head right to the ER (then completely melt down once the stitches are in)! When my 3 year old shoves a toy waaaay up into his nose, and my husband has a heart attack, I stay cool, forcing him to blow it out as I block one nostril. And of course in situations like last night when after putting a pizza in the toaster oven, I realized that there was in fact a fire in my toaster oven, I didn't freak out, I put it out (and then freaked out)!!!

It's actually kind of neat how God gives us this bold spirit! Hopefully these aren't regular occurrences in my journey as a mom, but I least I know I can handle the small stuff!

And the occasional fat lip...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Survival Mode

So normally on Wednesday Papa Bear works a long day, today just happened to be a suuuuper loooong day! He's gone until long after bedtime, thus, I am now in survival mode! The boys have been climbing the walls all summer! We've had more rain this summer than I can remember in my 26 years of summers! Its crazy! And lets face it, when its pouring, you can't do too much! So today we headed out for some much needed sun, fresh air and imagination!

I wont lie, I am a fan of controlled chaos! We opted to head out to make some "art"!
Exhibit A:

Notice our very fashionable smocks that we made from old pillow cases!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

God Hath Not Promised...

God hath not promised, skies always blue

Flower strewn pathways, all our lives through

God hath not promised, sun without rain

Joy without sorrow, peace without pain

God hath not promised, we shall not know

Toil and temptation, trouble and woe

God hath not told us, we shall not bear

Many a burden, many a care

God hath not promised, smooth roads and wide

Swift easy travel, needing no guide

Never a mountain, rocky and steep

Never a river, turbid and deep

But God hath promised, strength for the day

Rest for the labor, light for the way

Grace for the trials, help from above

Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

I love love love this poem! Its such a perfect reminder to me that no matter what trials and tribulations that come my way, that God will give me perfect peace, grace that abounds and all the love I can imagine!

It's been an odd week, I feel like everyone that I speak to is going through "something". The air is thick and we know that enemy is out on the prowl. I've been doing my best to pray for those that are struggling, to be an encouragement, a blessing, and then yesterday we found out that our sweet Mimi has cancer.

Mimi is one of the most precious souls I know, she puts everyone above herself and loves my boys to absolute pieces! This news didn't come as too much of a surprise, she is 82 years young and has been blessed with great health up until yesterday. Our sweet Mimi isn't a believer and that for us (as Christians) makes the diagnosis a little harder.

Thankfully, God is in control! We have no idea what the prognosis is going to be. We know that we're here, ready to be used in whatever way we can, and we're hopeful! Thank goodness for God's kind care!!!

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