"Who am I? That the Lord of all the earth, would care to know my name..."
It's no secret that I love Casting Crowns, but this song makes me stop in my tracks! Who am I? To think that the God of the universe, the God that holds the world in the palm of his hand, would be mindful of ME! It's almost impossible to wrap your mind around...its humbling!
I've learned a lot about myself this year. I've learned that I can't fix everything, or everyone. I've learned that prayer covers a multitude of sins. I've learned to be submissive (well, It's a work in progress). To listen. To not allow my emotions to control my day. But most importantly, I'm learning to be still. "Be still and know that I am God" How often do we make the time to truly be still? To sit in a quiet room and allow God to be Sovereign? I feel like on a daily basis I have a million things on my plate. But who am I, to think for a single second, that I don't have time to be still in front of the One who cares to know my name?
Pablove Across America 2013
11 years ago
I love Casting Crowns!