Friday, July 3, 2009

My Legacy

I want to leave a legacy,
How will they remember me?
Did I chose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering,
A child of mercy and grace
Who blessed Your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy.

This song always makes me think of my kids. I know for sure that I want to leave a legacy for Jesus Christ, but also for my family, so this got me thinking. Some day, not to soon I pray, my children are going to grow up. They are going to leave this home, they'll embark on a world that can be rough, they will marry the women that God sees fit, and they will one day have children of their own (OK, seriously depressing, but its true). When that time comes I want to be able to give my boys a piece of me to take with them on their new travels. Now this is certainly an epiphany that I should of had five years ago, but better late than never!

I want to create my legacy, a book, full of memories and keepsakes. I plan to begin this project in the very near future! I want to start it with a letter to each of my boys telling them how amazing God is and how unbelievably joyful and thankful I am to be there mom. I want to incorporate special events, be it as simple as a day at the aquarium, or as personal as a wedding. I want them to know, in my words, what they mean to me. The values that I am now instilling in their sweet hearts. The trials and the laughter. Now I know your thinking this sounds a lot like a scrapbook, I agree! I do scrapbook, but this is different! I wish I had something like this to reflect on my childhood! I also understand that my boys may not find this as endearing as it sounds, but someday they are going to marry a beautiful young woman who will undoubtedly appreciate this. To be able to read about all the memories and values and traits that were and still are being instilled in their husband... how awesome?

So those are my thoughts!!! I really look forward to this new endeavor, one that I have absolutely no time for, but I'm going to make time. I hope you'll join me in creating you're own legacy!


  1. I love it! I started a journal for Brody the day I found out I was pregnant. I started one for Lucy too. I write in it periodically just to tell them about things they're doing. I always wonder what I was like as a baby/child and my mom can't remember a lot. I thought this way someday when I'm really old and the kids ask me about their childhood I'll have the journals to give them. Can't wait to hear how yours progresses!

  2. Thanks mama ;) I really wish I would of done something like this from the begining!!! I've always scrapped, but I just think something like a journal is so much more personal!!! And my mom cant remember anything either, lol!

  3. I love that Nichole Nordeman song! And I love your idea. I've started something similar too. I've started a book on for my first son, who is currently 3 1/2. I want to do one for each boy for each year of their life. I was chronically the years events in one section, then documenting his favorite things, talents, etc in another section. I love the idea of incorporating a letter to him that shares my spiritual desires and prayers for him. Awesome.


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